Economy for Infants
Grow the world !

Kid wants to understand the society very early, when he sees his parents talking about him. Economy consists to understand the society’s movements, to improve it. We give to an infant whom knows reading the opportunity to understand the real economy, whose supports agriculture and industries.

This book allows you to understand society, whose your family is part of. After answering the question why, we will explain the society. Then we explain how it is possible to have all of this today. Later, you will be able to read his sequel, the Economy for Children.

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Matthieu GIROUX
(33) (0) 2 23 46 06 54 (France)

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Which Job to Choose ?
by Matthieu Giroux
on Wednesday 19 September 2018

After 18 years, you will be in the work’s world. There will probably be a basic salary that will allow you to survive. Many tasks will have been automated. The only job that robots can not do is creating, being artistic, producing, being journalist or searching.
We can believe that robots can do that, but they do not create anything new. They only adapt. To conceive a non-abstract show requires a scientific brainstorm, which the robot does not have. We will be in the design’s business, (...)